additional staff
About Us

Allison Chapman has been printing since she was young, taught by her Granddad in his hobby print shop. As a college student she interned with Stan Nelson in the Graphic Arts Division of the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American History. She then spent over a decade teaching at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts and honing her letterpress craft. Allison inherited her Grandad's 19th century platen press and collection of vintage images, metal type, and founded Igloo Letterpress in '96 in Minnesota. She moved to Ohio in 2008 and found a home in Old Worthington, where the one press grew to 10 presses, a retail shop, print studio, bookbindery, and hub for creativity. Allison closed the retail shop in 2021 and Igloo has once again become a home based business offering custom letterpress printing and hand bookbinding.

John is the son of a fine artist and an engineer, and is professionally trained as a librarian. Since 1996 he has been Press Wrangler and head mechanic for Igloo Letterpress. He attended Macalester College, and held professional positions at the Minnesota Historical Society, the Minnesota State Archives, and the University of Minnesota Libraries. He has worked in a variety of roles: a member of a surveying crew, a picture framer, a corporate librarian, an image cataloger, and a map seller. More recently he worked in software product management, and since 2022 has been full-time with Igloo.